Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. Your storage unit should also be tidied up once a year. Here are some tips to get you started.
1. Dust and sweep Though you probably don’t spend a lot of time in your storage unit, it’s still a good idea to dust, sweep and vacuum your unit and the items inside it. 2. Declutter Look through the possessions you have in your storage locker and set aside items you’ve decided you no longer want to hang on to. Anything you don’t need anymore can be thrown out or donated. 3. Reposition certain items Some items don’t do well sitting in the same position for extended periods of time. You should refold linens and clothes as well as change the order they’re stacked in to prevent them from developing permanent creases. If you have tires in storage, you should reposition them as well. It’s important to move them around and redistribute their weight so they don’t become damaged over time. 4. Repackage your belongings If you haven’t already done so, you may want to transfer your belongings into sturdier containers to prevent them from sustaining damage while in storage. Vacuum-sealed bags will keep your clothes and linens fresh, while plastic bins will keep your other possessions in good condition. 5. Check on your items Spring is the perfect time to look through your belongings to make sure that everything is still in good condition. If you notice some items are damaged due to not being stored properly, you should reorganize things to avoid further damage in the future. 6. Air it out Your storage unit is probably locked up most of the year, which prevents air from circulating. If possible, leave the door open while you’re inside cleaning to let some fresh air in. 7. Bring your friends Cleaning a storage unit can be a big job. For this reason, we recommend recruiting friends or family members to help you out. You may have to bribe them with pizza, but at least your unit will get cleaned quickly. Storage units in eastern Ontario If you need of more space to keep your items, U-Need Storage has unit of various sizes. In addition to our regular storage lockers, we have climate-controlled units. These are perfect for storing your belongings long-term as you won’t have to worry about humidity and temperature fluctuations. Contact us today to get a free quote or find out more.