Whether you’re a frequent or occasional camper, how you store your gear matters. You can increase the lifespan of your equipment by cleaning and storing it after each time you use it. Proper storage also makes it easier for you to find what you need the next time you head into the wilderness. Here are five things you should do if you want to store your camping equipment the right way.
1. Use clear, stackable bins
Clean your items and store them in clear containers for easier access. Start by organizing your things into general categories (such as cookware, electronics, tools, etc.), and label your bins appropriately. Keep an inventory of what’s inside each bin.
2. Try space bags
Clothing and sleeping bags take up less room when they’re stored in space bags. These sealable plastic bags can be compressed by sucking out air with a vacuum.
3. Install pegboards
Set up a few pegboards or a series of hooks to hang your outdoor gear, including shoes, bags, bikes, ropes and other items. This is a great way to make use of vertical space.
4. Remove batteries
Remove the batteries from your electronics, flashlights and other camping equipment and store them in a plastic Ziploc bag. This will help prevent them from leaking and corroding.
5. Store items in a cool, dry space
Make sure to store your camping gear in a cool, dry space away from sunlight. You can add packets of desiccant to your bins to keep your things dry.
If you don’t have enough space at home, consider renting a self-storage unit. This is a great option if you live in a condo, apartment or small house.
Storage unit options
Storage units come in several sizes. Here’s a breakdown of some of our available lockers:
5x5 units are the size of an average closet and are ideal for seasonal storage.
5x10 units are the size of a typical walk-in closet and can be used to store large sports equipment and extra home furnishings.
10x10 units are the size of a small bedroom and can hold various items.
10x20 units are the size of a large garage and can hold the contents of a house, including appliances and furniture.
The size you need depends on the amount of equipment you own and if there are other items you’d like to store.
Storage units in the GTA
U-Need Storage offers storage lockers at competitive rates. We have clean, well-ventilated and climate-controlled units at various locations in the Greater Toronto Area. We have many different unit sizes to choose from. Use our online storage estimator or contact us today for a free quote on a unit of your choice.